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The Vespa Rider

A struggling soul who seeks to observe life to its details while remembering the certainty of death in the uncertainty of time; what have I done to fulfil the rights of the Creator, the Prophet (may peace and blessings be upon him), my family, self and others to be able to meet death with a safe smile, God-Willing. I am no different from any other man, and we all lead inspiring lives in our own ways. I only chose to speak to others bits and pieces about mine, documenting memories, hoping someone after myself would take heed.


"The goal isn't to appeal to the masses, the goal is to awaken." - Dulce Ruby

Nurliyana Rahmat

Nurliyana Rahmat (also known as Liy) is a Singaporean writer currently pursuing a Specialised Diploma for Quran Teachers at Darul Quran, Singapore to become a qualified Quran Teacher. She is currently a passionate teacher at an Islamic preschool. Prior to teaching, she graduated from Republic Polytechnic with a Diploma in Civil Aviation.


Liy enjoys being in the company of books and nature. She frequents the beach for leisure and being a bibliophile, she ensures that she never leaves home without a book or two. Long bus rides, strolls and calm surroundings set the environment that fuels her inspiration to write, allowing her to ponder and reflect and let her words flow.


In her early 20s, Liy used to volunteer and participate in soulful and knowledge-based events. Through this exposure, she is now a dedicated self-empowerment event organiser. She initiated From Heart to Hearts to empower women and cultivate sisterhood. She hopes to allow sisters to know that they are not alone in their struggles and that there is always a support system for them to rely on through From Heart to Hearts.


Liy believes that everything in life goes in unity with donuts. Nothing ever goes wrong with them!

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